Viktor Sveda

Learn more about our instructors

Learn About Viktor Sveda


First Wrestling/Boxing/Muay Thai Experience:
8th grade

Why Martial Arts/Wrestling?

Indiana University

College Accolades
NCAA All-American 6th and 3rd

Amateur/Professional Fighting career recap and record:
Most career wins at Indiana University

Classes Taught at Edge:

Coaching/instructing Philosophy:
F+T=PS (F=Focus, T=Time, PS=Personal Success)

Why Train at Edge if you are prospective student:
Learn with a great crew to personalize the equation!!

What does being a coach/instructor at Edge mean to you?
Teaching my brothers and sisters skills to enable them to teach themselves!

Hobbies off the mat or anything else you want people to know?:

A student should ask me about ________ If they want expert insight/technique/info on______:
Life / Mat Philosophy