Learn more about High School Wrestling
At Edge School for Wrestling we have a progressive approach to wrestling, which Edge has become renowned for, looks at the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter training periods not as individual seasons, but as one complete season, focused on incrementally and progressively building a complete wrestler who peaks at the critical time. If you are interested in finding out how to improve your wrestling knowledge, skills, and progress faster than your opponents fill out this form and a coach will be in touch.
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The High School Wrestling classes offered at Edge revolve around the main training periods in a student athlete’s season: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter training. Our Summer training philosophy is to offer a more one on one approach to practices with a higher coach-to-student ratio, while making progress in a laid back, low stress environment. Our Fall training schedule is what we consider to be our “pre-season Primer”. These practices are more intense and focused around our coaches introducing high level technique to the athletes as well as ramping up intensity. The emphasis of our Fall training is to shake of the summer rust in the early sessions, in order to have all of our wrestlers ready to compete at the season’s start. Our Winter practices coincide with the high school wrestling season. These practices are aimed as a supplement, not a replacement, to your athletes current training in their home program.
What that means from, a training perspective is a shift in focus towards perfecting technical details and developing a competition strategy. Our athletes and coaches take time to work through troubled areas in a wrestlers skill set, while maintaining base level fitness. This progressive approach to wrestling, which Edge has become renowned for, looks at the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter training periods not as individual seasons, but as one complete season, focused on incrementally and progressively building a complete wrestler who peaks at the critical time.
We haven't wrestled anywhere else, but out of all the sports my son does he always tries to make time to get to wrestling practice no matter the season. It’s the one sport that he always goes back to, and they are always happy to see him. The atmosphere promotes growth and the coaches are excellent. My son's confidence grew because he had no one to blame for his success or failure but himself. His coaches have always encouraged him to do his best and never get discouraged that even a loss is an opportunity for learning. [We will wrestle] For life! My son loves wrestling and as long as he is involved in it so will I.
Erika Alvarez, son Adrian is 13 y.o.
Many kids have wrestled, but a far less amount have reached the very echelon on the sport. You probably have asked this question, and additionally asked yourself why you have yet to see any progress after years in the sport, or maybe you are trying to get to the next level and cannot seem to break that plateau. At Edge, our approach to answering to this problem has been effective since day one in 1984, some 30 years ago. It’s not just the way you train, but where, and how. Combining these three aspects is the reason why Edge has year in and year out helped mold hundreds of athletes to reach their goals.
Our approach to the sport as a progressive system has been honed and mastered, giving each wrestler the tools they need to achieve their goals. Whether those desires are aimed at being a Olympic Champion, NCAA All American, or even earn a starting spot on your team, the Edge system will give you all the tools you need to succeed. Our results speak for themselves. See why our team is so successful. Fill out the form below and get started.
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